Preface Writings
Timeline IN MODERN HISTORY the printed book has acted like an enzyme to propel significant cultural change. Today, we are decended from a grand history of publishing when the printed word had a virtual monopoly on the maintenance of our culture. The printed book no longer has a monopoly on the culture. For most of this past century print has shared the road the road with licensed broadcast mediums. More restrictive and less interactive than print, television and radio compete with print to give us a picture of who we are and what's going on in our world. We are in the middle of an emerging information source -- the personal computer and it may integrate the best characteristics of all three. How? We'll see -- but it does seem that our eyes and ears will be working harder than ever and knowing how to type (and speed read) will probably help us to cope. Additional writings are always welcome, please e-mail them to us and we will include them.
See the Writings! See the Writings!